
Improve Your Health!

Good indoor air quality leads to better cognitive performance, increased productivity, and just feeling better.

Does your home have good indoor air quality?

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  • 53%

  • 574 PPM

  • 72 °F

  • 847 PPB


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What is Indoor Air Quality?

Learn why it is important.

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) refers to the quality of indoor air as it relates to health and comfort. IAQ affects short and long term health, well-being, and cognitive function. Several factors affect IAQ.

What causes poor indoor air quality?


Radon gas comes from decaying rocks and soil beneath homes. It is the number one cause of lung cancer amongst non-smokers.

Chemical Fumes & VOCs

Household products such as cleaners, perfumes, and paints release volatile organic compunds and chemical fumes.

Outdoor Pollution

Outdoor pollution such as burnt fossil fuels gruadally seap into homes through openings and cracks.

Pet Hair & Dander

Animal hair and dander (microscopic material shed from the body) are major sources of indoor air pollutants and triggers for allergic reactions.

Mold & Bactreria

Mold and bacteria can produce microscopic airborne particles containing allergens or chemicals with the potential to cause respiratory inflammation.

Gasses & Particulates

Gasses and particualates are typically released when food is cooked. Particulary on gas stoves.

What causes poor indoor air quality?

Get Better Health

See how good indoor air quality leads to better health.


Breath Better

By limiting exposure to airborne dust particles, you can keep your respiratory system free of pain and breathing difficulties.


Sleep Better

Removing airborne allergens and excess humidity aids in deep breathing and improving the quality of your sleep.


Alleviate Asthma

Asthmatics are often sensitive to particulates and pollutants. Having clean indoor air means fewer triggers for an attack.


Reduce Allergies

Eliminating indoor allergens will minimize allergy symptoms such as sneezing, congestion, watery eyes, and skin irritation.

customer quote

I had no idea about all the things in my home that affected indoor air quality and my family's health. A lot of these things aren't that hard to fix either. Everyone needs to take indoor air quality seriously. Your long term health depends on it!

Jennifer Gregory
Dallas, TX

Our Mission

Clear Air's mission is to help people understand the importance of indoor air quality and ensure they are taking the right steps to have a healthy living environment.

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